Thursday, 21 November 2013

Actress Convicted of Stalking Alec Baldwin

A Canadian actress was sentenced Thursday to six months in jail by a judge who found her guilty of stalking Alec Baldwin in New York. Genevieve Sabourin, 41,...


  1. I am glad this sycophantic nutjob is going to get some jail time, but, it
    seems very unfair that she get all this good publicity along with it.

    I'll bet dollars to donuts she gets a million dollar book deal and and
    dollars vs gumballs that someone else writes the book.

  2. she looks totally insane but why throw her in jail? it doesn't seem as if
    she has threatened violence - she was just a damn nuisance - why make
    taxpayers pay for her incarceration? we already have ridiculously huge
    prison population, housing 25% of the world's prison population while only
    being 5% of the world's population - we are putting TOO MANY people in jail
    and that's a far bigger crime committed by the politicians and their crony
    private prisons - she should've been fined and given community service
    cleaning garbage at most

  3. 6 months goal harsh , he could have blocked her email & phone, calls he
    could have shown some kindness ,she obverserly in need of gideance in this
    matter a councler would have been better than gaol/jail, its kind of sad,
    the bauldwins allways had a high opinion of them selfs, look at the poor
    little bugger

  4. Lady … there's a guy in Toronto named Rob … you may like him. He's a party
    animal, though.

  5. Another CRAZY quebecer. They are all un sophisticated and stupid. She a
    regular looking quebecer that thinks a american actor is going to fall for
    her. She should go back to quebecshit city and find a weirdo like her over
    there. What a crazy uncivilised dumb blonde looking piece of worthless
    shit. If a guy doesn't want you don't run after him you idiot!

  6. it must be third degree stalking to only get 6 months it could have been 6
    years but she is not an NYPD cannibal cop the NYPD cannibal cop had a
    contact on the internet called MOODY BLUES but the MOODY BLUES are
    humanitarians not cannibals I follow Alec Baldwin in twitter and you can
    follow me at Leroy Derandorfan/twitter

  7. Blizsteronmyballsack21 November 2013 at 03:06

    LOL why would anyone stalk a baldwin arent they super christians? that
    i mean crazy as fuck..

  8. To be honest, she's not bad looking. But then again, she must be crazy if
    she's wasting time stalking a sleaze like Alec Baldwin.

  9. Bad, Bad, Baldwins!

  10. Doesn't Baldwin date men?

  11. Fatal attraction part 2. Cool !

  12. is she trying to get some of his millions -probably -people want money so
    they dont have to work -did she love him or his money ?

  13. Alec baldwin is a FAT moron.

  14. Life is a game. Why so serious?

  15. yea, he banged her and when it threatened his marriage his money threw her
    in the can. case closed. he's a piece of shit, just like any other wealthy

  16. 6 months goal harsh , he could have blocked her email & phone, calls he
    could have shown some kindness ,she obverserly in need of gidance in this
    matter a councler whudl have been better than gaol/jail, sad the bauldwins
    allways had a high opinion of them selfs

  17. I would feel honored if a woman was stalking me
